Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sending a little sunshine...

I have been feeling a little down. My mother died ten years ago this day so I wasn't really looking forward to it. Lucky for me I have some great friends who left flowers and candy for me on the kitchen table. Thanks Liz and Mary, you guys really cheered me up. (And everyone else who gave me a call, thank you.)

If you've got some spare time or change head over to The National Breast Cancer Foundation where they have a wealth of information on ways to prevent it from happening to you or a loved one. They also have a number of ways to contribute donations to aid research in finding a cure.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love you dude. i was gonna get you chocolate, but i remembered you aren't as big a fan as i am, so i was like, dude jelly beans! i'm brilliant. anyways. i thought you should know ussd west linn is participating in the relay for life. its a good cause.