Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My kittens and college bound brother

In the first picture it looks like my cat, Neko, is hatching my roommate's cat, Sammy, like a chicken. I laughed so hard. They look ridiculous. The second picture is my brother enthralled in some computer game. He and my Dad came over the weekend to register my brother for college. Jeez, how they grow up.


Unknown said...

hahahaha oh good lord. i needed a laugh so badly today. aaahh i feel better. no one will die today. hahahaha... well. maybe no one will die.
and good luck to marcus. it was fun having them here. even tho i really only saw them on sunday. sad day. (actually that was a happy day, but its sad that that was the only day. um longest comment ever)

lv2scpbk said...

Love the cat photo and that guy looks like a serious drinker. lol.