Friday, September 28, 2007

Photo # ??? (Who knows anymore?)

I'm at the airport right now waiting for my brother Dan to fly in. I figure I would upload this photo.

I witnessed a robbery today. It was bizarre. He bummed a smoke from me, smoked half of it and continued into Saks Fifth Ave. I was on the phone with my brother at the time so I kind of watched him take a couple pairs of pants and shirts and walk out and run across the busy street. So then I walked in after I got off the phone and told the guy working the counter and I guess they caught him.

I also got a free coffee coupon at Seattle's Best. This day is awesome.


Lynette said...

Did you get the coupon as a reward for being a good citizen? I like the photo from the airport, the different lines, lights and shadows.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Unknown said...

haha a robbery? weird. and at saks? i mean. thats crazy. don't they have the alarms and stuff? weird as hell.